Treating Your French bulldog Diarrhea Naturally

If you have a French bulldog with diarrhea, don’t worry. You’re not alone. Diarrhea in Frenchies can be messy, smelly, and downright frustrating. Between the dog food that gets all over the floor and your pooch’s constant trips to the bathroom, it’s no wonder you’re at your wit’s end. What causes dog diarrhea? And what can you do to help your best friend right now? The bottom line is there is no one size fits all cure for dog diarrhea, but there are some techniques that can help to calm things down (literally). There are numerous different causes for a French bulldog dog having diarrhea we will discuss them and also focus on treating your French bulldog diarrhea naturally.

Portrait of purebred dog bulldog isolated over studio background in neon gradient pink purple light.

What are the causes of diarrhea in French bulldogs?

There are many causes of diarrhea in French bulldogs. The most common ones are food allergies, dietary indiscretions, intestinal parasites, and bacterial infections.

Food allergies can cause diarrhea in French bulldogs because they trigger an abnormal immune response that results in inflammation of the intestines. The most common offenders are beef, chicken, fish, and dairy products.

Dietary indiscretions can also result in diarrhea in Frenchies. Eating any type of food that is not normally consumed by dogs can cause them to have loose stools as their system tries to process this new type of food. This includes chocolate, bones, and raw potatoes which are toxic if ingested in large quantities or over a long period of time (longer than 10 days). These foods should be avoided at all times due to their high toxicity levels which can cause severe health issues such as organ failure or death if consumed regularly over long periods of time (longer than 10 days).

Intestinal parasites are another cause of diarrhea in Frenhies. They live inside the intestinal tract where they feed off nutrients intended for absorption into the bloodstream through digestion processes occurring within these organs located within their bodies’ systems.

Treating your French bulldog diarrhea naturally

Caring for your French bulldog can be stressful, especially when they’re sick. But if you’re the kind of person who likes to do things yourself, there are some things you can do to help make your pup feel better while they recover from this common condition. Here are some common home remedies that can help in treating your French bulldog diarrhea naturally.

Put your dog on fasting

If your French bulldog is suffering from diarrhea, you may be tempted to feed them something to get the problem under control. One thing that you should do is put your Frenchie on fasting if they are suffering from diarrhea. This will help prevent further dehydration and allow their body to focus on healing itself instead of digesting food. You should only fast your Frenchie for 24 hours before reintroducing food slowly over the course of several days or weeks depending on how severe their condition is.

Feed probiotics and prebiotics

Probiotics are good bacteria that live in your dog’s digestive tract. When your pooch has diarrhea, they can be thrown out of whack and their immune system can get compromised as a result.

French bulldogs with diarrhea may also have an upset stomach, which could cause them to have a decreased appetite. If this is the case, they may not be getting enough nutrition and vitamins through their food. If you are noticing a decrease in appetite or your dog isn’t eating enough, consider giving probiotics!

Probiotics help to restore the natural balance of good bacteria in your dog’s gut. Probiotics also help with digestion by increasing the amount of digestive enzymes produced by your dog’s body. These enzymes break down food so that nutrients can be absorbed into their body. This will help them feel better faster!

Probiotics also help to build up their immune system, which can become weakened due to stress or illness like diarrhea. This means that pups who are suffering from diarrhea will be able to fight off infections quicker than before!

The next thing to consider is whether or not you should give your Frenchie prebiotics. Prebiotics are nutrients that feed the bacteria in your dog’s digestive system, which helps them break down food more efficiently and reduces the chance of diarrhea. If you find that your dog has a lot of loose stools, it may be a good idea to try giving them prebiotics for about two weeks and see if that helps with their symptoms.

Give bland diet

If your Frenchie is suffering from diarrhea, the last thing you want to do is give him a bland diet. It’s true that bland food can help settle an upset stomach. But it’s not going to help if your dog has diarrhea. The best way to recover from diarrhea is to feed him foods that are high in protein and fat. The nutrients in these foods will help repair the lining of his intestines, which may have been damaged by whatever he ate that caused diarrhea in the first place.

If you’re concerned about your dog’s diet while he recovers from diarrhea, consult with your veterinarian. They’ll be able to tell you what kinds of foods are best for your pup’s health at this time.

Feed pumpkin

When your Frenchie has diarrhea, you may be tempted to give him a pumpkin. Pumpkin is a great source of fiber and can help restore your dog’s digestive tract to normal. It also helps relieve gas, bloating, and constipation.

The best way to feed your Frenchie pumpkin is to give him 1-2 tablespoons mixed with his regular dog food. You can also add it to a small portion of water for him to drink if he prefers.

Pumpkin can be used as an occasional supplement for dogs with chronic diarrhea or those who suffer from frequent bouts of loose stool.


Diarrhea is one of the most common stomach problems that a French bulldog can get. It can be the first sign of illness or it can develop and suddenly attack your dog without warning. Either way, you must treat it as soon as possible to make sure your dog gets better, in the same way, you would for any other stomach problem.

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