Is My French bulldog Overweight? How to Help?

French bulldogs are playful, lovable, and funny. They are also a very social breed of dog that loves to be around others. Unfortunately, these traits can also lead them to be overweight if you do not provide your French bulldog with the proper amount of activity.

French bulldog overweight

Frenchies are considered a brachycephalic breed which means they have a much harder time breathing than other dogs. They also have a tendency to gain weight and become obese easier than other breeds. This blog will help you understand why your French bulldog may be gaining weight and what you can do to help him lose their weight.

What Is Ideal Weight for French bulldogs?

French bulldog breeders have a hard time finding the golden mean between health and bulkiness. This is because this breed is called both “bully” and “toy”. Bully breeds are usually bulky, with robust heads and sizable quantities of loose skin spread all over their bodies. If you look at the ideal weight of your French bulldog it depends mostly on their age and sex. A female French bulldog can weigh around 16 to 24 pounds and male Frenchie can weigh around 20 to 28 pounds.

Is Your French Bulldog Overweight ?

You can tell if your Frenchie is overweight by using manual checks of their upper torso and body instead. Here are some easy guidelines that will help you know if your lovable feline friend is overweight or not:

Simply apply a small amount of pressure to the middle of your dog’s back and you should be able to feel the ribs. If you cannot feel any bones but instead your fingers sinks into fat, it could mean that he is overweight. In a normal anatomical view the chest of the French bulldog should be wider than their abdomen and if it is not than your Frenchie is overweight.

Other Signs That Your French Bulldog Is Overweight

Visual signs

A good way to tell if your Frenchie is too heavy is to look at them from above. If they aren’t carrying any extra weight, they tend to have an hourglass shape. You should be able to see their waist and legs yet still feel their spine and rib cage. If you can’t feel their rib cage or feel fat but have trouble seeing the pelvic bone, this might be a sign that your Frenchie needs to go on a diet.

They Are Unable To Groom Themselves

While it is true that some French bulldogs cannot reach certain spots on their bodies in order to clean themselves, but they can still scratch themselves. But if they are a bit tubby! If you notice your dog seems less flexible and can’t move around as much as he used to, this means he has put on some weight.

They Got Tired Easily

Frenchies will often pant or start to breathe heavily after heavy exertion, but if your pup is overweight, the fatigue will set in quicker and be noticeable after a walk of just a few blocks. If you see these signs it means your Frenchie is overweight.

How To Get French bulldogs Lose Some Weight?

Feed Them Good Food

It’s heartbreaking to think that there are dogs out there who may not get the nourishment they need. Your dog needs healthy protein, fat and vitamins. The right diet plays an important role in keeping your pet – even just a little chubby – a good shape. There are two ways you can go about this. Always buy a food that doesn’t contain any artificial preservatives and additives. Secondly don’t feed them table scraps.

Feed Right Amount

Puppies often get fed too much food. This leads to them gaining a lot of weight and becoming susceptible to diseases and conditions they wouldn’t otherwise have. So it’s important to make sure your puppy isn’t eating too much.

Dogs should only consume around 25 calories every time they weigh a pound. That means you should adjust the amount of dry food you give your puppy as he or she grows up so that their weight remains on track! As an example, let’s say your male Frenchie weighs 25 pounds and we do the math: that means your dog would require 625 calories altogether each day.

Keep Treats in Check

Ideally, you should keep treats and snacks to no more than 10% of your Frenchie’s daily calorie intake and make sure they rarely exceed this amount because although some treats might be small in size, they can cause your dog to gain excess weight without due care.

Frenchies are always fast food scavengers – so make sure that the scraps from the kitchen and fallen food from the dining table constitutes less than 10% of your dog’s daily diet. Make sure that you feed your dog a healthy mix of protein-rich foods, vegetables (without dressing) and fruits once or twice a day.


French Bulldogs are what some people would generally consider the typical couch potato-type dog, but this is quite a generalization. Whilst it’s true they don’t need to walk as much as some other breeds such as retrievers, they do indeed still require exercise. You should at least be taking your French bulldog for a 30 minute walk around the block and of course you can always play with him inside too.

If you are looking for a toy to play inside your search for the perfect fun toy for your dog is finally over. Magic Roller Ball Toy for Dogs continuously rolls around, your canine will go nuts for it. Watch them chase the ball and get a healthy workout at the same time. This can also double up as a unique tool to keep your pet active, alert and entertained so that you can have stress-free moments with them during the day or other times when you want some peace of mind.

Magic roller toy


When it comes to your dog’s health, is your dog overweight? It’s important to know the signs of being overweight in dogs, as it can lead to a myriad of health problems, including the most serious ones such as heart disease, diabetes and osteoarthritis. It is possible to have a dog that is overweight, but still be healthy. If your dog is overweight, there are some important steps mentioned above that you can take to ensure that he or she stays healthy and fit.

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