Worms in French bulldogs, how do you know about worms in French bulldogs?

Did you know that French bulldogs can get worms? As humans, it’s easy to think that since we can’t see the worms, our Frenchie can’t get them either. Unfortunately, that’s not true. One seemingly healthy pup can pick up a worm infection just by sniffing their own business and then passing it on to their owners. Worms in French bulldogs are a major problem and one that all dog owners should be aware of. This blog will look at different aspects of worms in French bulldogs, how worms in dogs can be diagnosed and how to treat them effectively.

worms in french bulldog
Worms in French bulldog

How Do You Know About Worms in French bulldog?

Approximately 50% of dogs in the United States that have been studied by American universities have been confirmed to have one type of worm or another. While many types of worms are harmless, there’s a danger that they’ll infect your Frenchie and cause an infection that can lead to harmful medical complications. If you notice that your pup is acting sluggish, vomiting, or losing weight, he is having worms. It’s important to bring them to a vet as soon as possible to diagnose and treat the infection.

There are several kinds of worms that can infect your French bulldogs. Among them are roundworms, hookworms, tapeworms, and Whipworms. They can infect your dog by being transmitted through fleas, through contact with other animals, and even by eating the dirt, they walk on. Dogs can get sick and even die if the infestation is serious enough. Worming your dog regularly is one of the best ways to avoid potential infections and keep them free of worms.

How French Bulldogs Get Worms?

French bulldogs can get worms from several sources. It can be from the places they pass feces and pee and even from the grass they eat. Some pups can get worms from other dogs or by eating the wrong food, like raw meat. It’s important to check your French bulldogs regularly for worms. Here is how your Frenchie can get worms

By Eating Feces

As gross as it may sound, fleas, tapeworms, hookworms, and roundworms are all worms that French bulldogs can get from their feces. The worms can be found in their feces which can easily end up on the ground. French bulldogs can also get worms from eating other dogs’ feces. There is a risk that the Frenchie will get sick when they eat the worms. It’s very important to keep an eye on your Frenchie and remove the feces from your yard by using a poop scooper. This complete cleaning kit has everything that you need to clean your pup’s poop.

Pooper Scooper

By Eating Grass

French bulldogs can get worms from eating grass because there could be microscopic worms and eggs in there. Since Frenchie are more likely to eat grass when they are ill, this increases their chances of ingesting worms. The best way to avoid this is by administering deworming medication a couple of times a year. Similarly, anyone who has Frenchie should keep their grass short to avoid worms.

By Raw Meat

French bulldogs can get worms after eating raw meat. So, you should be careful if you’re feeding your dog raw meat. If you want to feed your Frenchie raw meat, don’t give the raw chicken to your pup. They can get worms in their intestines and that can lead to worm infestation. Definitely don’t feed your pup raw pork. Raw pork has parasites that can get into your dog’s bloodstream. That’s how they can get worms, too. If you’re a dog owner and want to keep your dog healthy and happy, then you may want to consider giving them canned dog food instead of raw meat.

By Flea Infestation

Fleas are a common pest for French bulldogs. Fleas are most active at night and will be found around the base of the tail and the back of the ears. If a Frenchie picks up fleas, it is most likely that he will then start to groom himself, during this time the dog may eat the flea, thus ingesting the flea’s eggs. During the day the fleas will lay their eggs on the animal’s coat, which will then be eaten by the dog. If you are worried that your Frenchie has eaten a flea, there are flea treatments you can use.

Symptoms of Worms In French Bulldogs

Different signs show your Frenchie is suffering from worms.

  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting
  • Loss of appetite
  • Dull-looking coat
  • Dehydration
  • Anemia
  • Loss of energy
  • Blood in stool or white traces in stool
  • Intestinal blockage
  • Pneumonia

How to Get Rid Of Worms from French Bulldogs?

There are different things you can do to treat worms in French bulldogs

Consult Your Vet

If your French bulldog is experiencing symptoms that suggest worms, you need to call a veterinarian. Dog worms are a common condition, but you should never neglect a dog’s medical needs. A veterinarian can inspect the Frenchie for worms, and if necessary, a prescription and treatment can be given. Your vet may also ask you to collect a sample of feces for a lab checkup.


Once your veterinarian has determined the type of worms present, they can determine the best way to treat the French bulldog. A dewormer is a pill that kills the worms after they have been ingested by your Frenchie. The effectiveness of the dewormer is dependent on the dosage, the type of worms, and the health of your pup. The dosage of dewormer is calculated as a function of the weight of the Frenchie, the total length of the worms, and the type of worms present.


There are a lot of things to consider when your French bulldog is sick. One of the most important ones is whether or not you need to bring your Frenchie to the vet. If you’ve started to suspect your Frenchie has worms, its best to consult your vet. These parasites can attack the dog on the floor, in the grass, or in the food. The worms can be in the dog for many years without you knowing because they can only be seen when the dog is scanned by a veterinarian.

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