Why Is My French bulldog So Clingy?

You’ve decided that a French bulldog is a right dog for your family, but everyone tells you they’re super clingy. Are they? I mean, you have to get up in the mornings and go to work, don’t you? And then you want to come home from a stressful day only to chill with your little French Bulldog who’s breathing into your face, climbing on you, and just generally acting way too close for comfort — am I right? But here’s the thing — most people probably feel the same way about their dogs. But why is my French bulldog so clingy? Here you will know how.

Why is my French bulldog so clingy?

Your French bulldog is acting clingy because he loves you and wants to be with you. He’s not trying to be annoying; he just wants to be close to you. Dogs are pack animals, so they’re used to being with their family as much as possible. If you’ve had a particularly busy day at work, or if you’re going through a rough patch in your life, your dog may be worried about your well-being and want to spend more time with you.

Dogs also tend to act clingy when they’re feeling stressed or anxious about something. If they don’t know what’s going on, they get worried—and that can lead them to act clingy because they want reassurance from their owners!

What are the causes of clinginess In French bulldogs?

The causes of clinginess in French bulldogs are many and varied. There are a number of reasons why your French bulldog may be more clingy than usual. One of the most common reasons is that they feel scared. They may have some sort of trauma in the past that has caused them to be afraid. If you’ve just moved into a new home, for example, or if there’s been a noise or disruption that has scared your dog they might be feeling extra anxious and therefore more clingy.

Your Frenchie may also have separation anxiety if they’re always jumping on you when you come home from work. This could mean that they have trouble adjusting to being alone—and thus are always looking for comfort.

Some French bulldogs become clingy because they want attention, while others are lonely and want attention from humans! Generally speaking, though, it’s important not to let your dog get too much attention when they’re showing signs of clinginess. This will just reinforce their behavior and make it worse.

Why Are French Bulldogs Called Velcro Dogs?

French bulldogs are known as Velcro dogs because they stick to their owners like Velcro. They’re not independent and don’t like being left home alone for long periods of time, so they need a lot of attention from their owners. They also tend to be clingy and jealous if you pay attention to other people or pets more than them. If you have a French bulldog, consider yourself warned: they’re going to be attached at your hip! However, their affectionate nature makes them a great choice for families with children, especially young kids.

How To Prevent Clingy Behavior in French bulldogs?

The French bulldog is a very energetic little pup, so you may find them always trying to snuggle with you. If this is the case, there are some things you can do to help prevent this problem.

Avoid Too Much Attention

First of all, try to avoid letting your dog get too much attention from people other than yourself. If they’re always getting petted by visitors, they won’t have time to miss their owners as much when they’re not home. You can also try leaving out toys or treats when you leave so that your dog stays engaged. This will keep them occupied and distracted from missing you too much!

Exercise daily

Another method is to give them lots of exercises every day. Take them on long walks or runs through the park and make sure they get plenty of time off-leash! This way they’ll feel like they’ve had their fill of exercise before coming home so that there isn’t any pent-up energy left over from being cooped up inside all day long!

Don’t Leave Them Alone

If your dog is acting clingy, don’t leave him alone too much. Dogs are pack animals, and they need to establish a hierarchy within their group. If you leave your dog alone for long periods of time, he will think he’s not part of the family and that he can’t rely on anyone else. This can lead to separation anxiety.

If you’re going to be gone for a long time, give your dog plenty of exercises before you leave—this will tire him out so that he’ll sleep when you’re gone. It’s also important that he gets lots of affection from other members of the family when you’re gone.

Provide toys

One of the best ways to keep your pup from feeling lonely is by making sure they have plenty of toys. If they’re bored, they’ll be more likely to chew on shoes or tear up furniture—or worse, start begging for attention from people in public places where that isn’t allowed (and can lead to some serious trouble).

A suction tug toy can help in preventing such clingy behavior in your French bulldogs. It’s not only great to prevent boredom but also to keep your dog’s teeth clean.

The suction cup can easily attach to wherever you want and establish a good habits in your French bulldogs.


The French bulldog’s temperament might seem a little clingy for a dog breed, but this is because the breed needs strong owner-dog attachment in order to thrive. When it comes to their owners, they tend to be very loyal and loving, and can sometimes even be considered lap dogs if given enough attention. They appreciate but seldom ask for attention from their human family members, making them great dogs for apartment living. The French bulldog has brought a lot of joy into the lives of many pet owners around the world today, so hopefully, these tips on being a good owner can help you continue to experience this wonderful breed—and avoid some common mistakes along the way!

One Response

  1. Patricia Rumfelt November 12, 2023

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