Why is My French bulldog Sitting Funny and Weird?

French Bulldog Sitting is a term that we use to describe French Bulldogs that are sitting in an unusual position, a position that you don’t expect to see a French bulldog in. We created this term because we have a French bulldog called Yoda. Yoda is a very clumsy dog and often ends up sitting in an unusual position. We started to record these unusual positions and discovered more French Bulldogs were doing it. So we decided to discuss the most unusual French Bulldogs sitting funny positions with you and the reasons behind them.

Why Does My French bulldog Sit in Strange Positions?

Dogs will often sit in what appears to be an unusual posture because they are spreading their weight out over the rest of their body. They do this by stretching out to cover a large area and thus relieving strain from hip bones and legs like other canines that have larger chests.

When it comes to little Frenchies for instance; these creatures not only have large chests but also unusually big heads that make it difficult for them to get their weight distributed evenly. Thus, their ‘unusual’ sitting position is actually a clever way of staying healthy by lowering the pressure on relatively few important areas.

Is It Harmful if My Dog Sit-In Strange Sitting Position?

When you see a French bulldog puppy sitting up straight and all proud, sometimes you’re understandably more interested in taking a photo than examining his posture. Frenchies are often compared to humans because they like to sit like us.

Dogs can rest as we do for comfort reasons. However, if your Frenchie is eager to please you by mirroring your posture when resting, there’s nothing wrong with that! You should just take him in for an evaluation to make sure there aren’t any other potential contributing factors.

Is There Any Problem Behind, if My French bulldog Is Sitting in Funny and Unusual Position?

French bulldogs are known to sit strangely. However, similar sitting events have been seen in dogs with other health issues like obesity and hip dysplasia. If you see your dog sitting down strangely and notice some abnormal symptoms such as trouble walking, limping, or even a change in sleeping pattern, be sure to consult a vet because it could mean there is something deeply wrong. Here are some common problems that can occur in French bulldogs.

Hip Dysplasia

Hip dysplasia is a common condition that can affect French Bulldogs. It’s characterized by the dislocation of the head of the femur from the hip socket, leading to impaired joint function. Out of all the dog breeds, Frenchies seem to possess the highest instances of hip dysplasia.

Symptoms are often very limited in young dogs and become more evident over time. The larger the dog, the more severe its symptoms are in general. The symptoms can vary from trivial (such as whining or refusing to go up the stairs) or more troublesome (discomfort when walking, soreness, and limping) and sitting in a frog-like position.


As an owner of a French bulldog, one should know what constitutes an appropriate weight and height for their pooch. The manageable size of this dog breed’s body is due to its sturdy bone structure. Its head should be square, but the rest of its body components must be proportional to one another and appear balanced. On average, if you plan on keeping them at a healthy weight, they shouldn’t weigh more than 30 lbs., otherwise there are likely to be posture concerns.

Puppy Sitting Position

The ‘foreleg sit’ is an example of the puppy sitting posture. It has been noticed that dogs are often found flopped over as if leaning on one of their hips and using the other leg as more of a prop, so keep your pup from adopting such a stance by engaging in some training exercises that will make engaging in various activities fun and challenging. This will enable them to develop better posture overtime for their overall health.

Anal Gland Problem

An anal sac or anal glands are tiny pouches present in between the sphincter muscles. When a dog defecates, the liquid trapped inside the sac usually gets released, but if this process is irregular or absent altogether then the stuff held inside hardens. This can cause an abscess that will eventually burst through the skin. Sometimes it’ll only be slightly noticeable, to begin with.

A dog may squat on the ground or even lift its tail to try and pass what’s trapped inside its anal glands before realizing something more serious is wrong. Not only can this painful mess become smelly if left untreated. And yes, it’s pretty gross seeing your dog shaking its bottom afterward. But failing to treat it can also cause illness and other complications like a change in posture.

Frog like Position

When you see your dog lying down with its front paws together, mouth closed and tongue sticking out. It’s not necessarily something you need to worry about – like seeing your Frenchie with a fever for example. In fact, this position is just one of how dogs regulate their temperature.

It also reduces the heating effect of sunlight. During the summer seasons when temperatures are hotter than usual and can cause additional heat exhaustion issues in dogs. So you might find him hanging out on tiles since they are a quick way for the dog to feel cool relief.

However, you can help your Frenchie by providing a summer cooling pad. This cooling pad provides a cooling effect even on the hottest day. It is filled with a gel that providing when kept out of reach of direct sunlight. Your dog will take time to get used to it. But once they get used to it they will love to sit there.

Cooling pad


So, as you can see, the reasons why French Bulldogs have so many funny and weird sitting positions are many and varied. However, they are all deeply adorable. If you have any more questions about French bulldogs or would like to find out the treatment for this problem you should consult your vet.

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