Tips to Comfort Your French Bulldog After Throwing Up

Witnessing your French bulldog throwing up is no doubt very distressing. Regrettably, their small charming companions are prone to consuming their food very fast and digestive sensitivities. They can’t express their discomfort to us, so it’s on us to keenly observe any signs of distress. There are many possible reasons behind this problem, and learning about these before going for remedies is also very important. If your French bulldog has recently thrown up, it is important that you know how to provide them care and comfort. In this guide, we’ll explore a range of tips to help your French Bulldog feel better after throwing up.

Understand the Causes

Before you take any action, it’s important to understand why your French bulldog is vomiting. Some of the common causes include.

Dietary Indiscretion: It means that your French bulldog eats something other than their regular diet, like trash, scraps, or plants. These substances can cause irritation to the stomach lining and ad trigger vomiting.

Sudden change in diet: An abrupt change in the diet of a French bulldog will lead to vomiting. French bulldogs have very sensitive stomachs, when you abruptly change their food and introduce a new brand, it can disrupt their stomach balance and lead to vomiting.

Infections: Viral, bacterial, and parasitic infections can be the cause of vomiting. The infection can cause irritation in the stomach lining and lead to vomiting as the body tries to get rid of potential threats.   

Allergies: Just as in humans, French bulldogs can also suffer from allergies to certain foods and environmental factors. These allergies can cause vomiting along with other symptoms like skin irritation, itching, and diarrhea.

Foreign Objects: French bulldogs are very curious and they sometimes ingest nonfood items like clothing, toys, and even plants. Such objects can cause irritation and blockage in the digestive tract which can cause vomiting.

Heatstroke: French bulldogs are brachycephalic breeds and it means they have short noses that make them susceptible to heatstroke. Heatstroke is one of the leading causes of vomiting along with symptoms like lethargy and drooling.

Tips to Comfort Your French bulldog After Throwing Up

Withhold Food and Water

When your French bulldog vomits, give some time for their stomach to settle withhold their food and water for a few hours. This will help their stomach recover and further reduce the risk of irritation. However, make sure to hold water for too long, as chances of dehydration are very common in French bulldogs.

Gradual Reintroduction of Food

Once you waited for some time, now it’s time to reintroduce the food in a controlled manner. Don’t give them a lot of food immediately instead go for a bland diet that consists of easily digestible food, like boiled chicken and boiled rice (plain without seasoning). Give small portions in the start to prevent overwhelming the stomach.

Monitor Hydration

During vomiting, French bulldogs may lose a lot of water, so it’s better to monitor their water intake closely. Make sure your pup has access to fresh and clean water all the time. If your pup suffers from dehydration it will further worsen their condition so make sure they drink a lot of water even if they have no interest.

Rest and Calm Environment

Like humans, French bulldogs can benefit from rest when they are not feeling well. Create a comfortable and calm environment for them by providing a quiet cozy space where they can relax and recuperate.

Avoid Table Scraps and Treats

When you are eating you may find your Frenchie begging around the table for food. While you may find yourself offering treats and table scraps as a gesture of comfort, it’s not good to feed them at this time. It will be best if you stick to a bland diet and don’t give your pup anything that further upsets their stomach.

Probiotics and Digestive Enzymes

There are many digestive enzymes and probiotics available in the market but you have to consult your vet about getting these. These supplements are very beneficial as they support a healthy gut, aid in digestion, and potentially reduce the chances of future stomach issues.

Keep an Eye on Symptoms

Always monitor the well-being and overall behavior of your French bulldog. If the vomiting continues or there is any additional symptom like diarrhea, fever, or abdominal pain then consult your vet immediately.

Gradual Transition to Regular Diet

As soon as your French bulldog starts feeling better gradually move them back to their regular diet within a few days. Start the process by mixing their regular diet with the bland diet and increasing the portion of the regular diet continuously. Don’t make any sudden changes because it could trigger another stomach in your pup.

Professional Veterinary Care

If your French bulldog vomiting continues or worsens or you see any other symptoms along with it then it’s best to go for professional care. A vet can get a proper history, perform a thorough examination, diagnose any underlying issues, and provide appropriate treatment.


Seeing your French Bulldog vomit can be a worrying experience, but with the right care and attention, you can help them feel better in no time. By understanding the causes, providing appropriate dietary adjustments, monitoring hydration, and offering a calm environment, you can comfort your furry companion during their recovery. Remember, if the vomiting persists or if you have any concerns, consult a veterinarian for expert guidance and care tailored to your French Bulldog’s specific needs.

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