How to Help a French Bulldog with Runny Nose? 6 Common Reasons

French bulldogs are one of the most adorable dogs. A French bulldog can be a great companion at home. But you will also notice that they seem to be suffering from colds and allergies more often than other dogs. A lot of people get confused why their French bulldog gets a runny nose in winter and how to help them. In this blog, i am going to tell you about why French bulldog gets runny nose in winter, and how you can take care of that.

french bulldog with runny nose

Why does my French bulldog have runny nose?

There are many different reasons why a French bulldog can suffer from runny nose. Some of the common reasons are


When your French bulldog is waking up and sneezing or rubbing their eyes, it’s time to look into what could be causing your dog’s allergies. There can be a lot of different triggers, with one of the biggest ones being pollen. It’s safe to say that nearly all dogs will suffer from some sort of allergy at some point in their life, as they are very similar to humans.

Although you might feel like you’re scrambling for a solution when your French bulldog starts to suffer, it’s worth taking the time to do research on what will work best for them.

Nasal Infections

When you have a Frenchie who has a strong, thick colored discharge from their nose, you need to be alarmed. The more the discharge, the more you need to worry. But what is the best way to handle this problem? The first step is to determine what the cause of the discharge is. Sometimes this can be easily diagnosed at home.

If your French bulldog is sneezing frequently, you can lightly feel the inside of their nose. You can see if it feels slimy, then there is a chance that your dog might have a bacterial infection. If the discharge is thick and crusty, then it could be a fungal infection. Regardless of what it is, it’s important to have your French bulldog seen by a vet.

Nasal Tumors

If your dog is suddenly having trouble breathing, they may have fluid, mucus or blood coming out of it, then chances are of nasal polyps or tumors. While these tumors or polyps are benign, they can make them completely uncomfortable and cause them to have a bad breath. These tumors or polyps can also be caused by a nasal infection. If you think that your frenchie has nasal tumors or polyps contact your vet.

Obstruction in Nasal Passage

If you’ve noticed that your pet’s nose is a little pinker than it usually is and he or she is breathing heavily, there’s a good chance that they have a blocked or obstructed nasal passage. If you see they have a whole lot of discharge coming out of one nostril but almost none from the other, then it’s likely that there’s something lodged inside these passages. It’s important to take action as soon as possible because a blocked nose can cause them to struggle to breathe and it can even be life threatening.

Genetic Issues

The French bulldog is a very unique and adorable dog. Unfortunately, because their nose doesn’t allow much airflow, they can occasionally have breathing problems. In addition to that, their nostrils are very narrow and these results in a lot of mucus build up. To remedy this, the owner can take their French bulldog to vet for proper checkup.

Cleft Palate

A cleft palate is a defect that is present at birth. It affects the dog’s mouth and nose, giving his face a funny expression. The surgery is necessary so that the French bulldog can eat normally as well as breathe normally. It also helps to avoid facial tumors from developing. The cleft is usually located on the soft palate. The surgery is usually done immediately after birth.

How to Treat Runny Nose In French Bulldogs?

Here are some ways that can help you treat runny nose in French bulldogs easily.

Hydrate Your Pup

It’s true, you’re supposed to hydrate regularly, but it’s also true that not all animals need to do the same. For example, if you have a pet that is a French bulldog, you’ll want to keep them hydrated and healthy. If your pet is feeling under the weather, they might stop drinking water, and you may need to help them keep healthy. Your pet may not want to drink plain tap water because it may be too cold for them. You can add chicken broth to water and warm it up a bit. This way, your pet will drink their broth.

Keep Nose Clean

The risk of a sinus infection can be reduced by daily routine hygiene of the facial area. A moist cloth may be used to wipe the area if there is no drainage, and a clean cloth used for drying the folds. The moisture from the nose should be regularly cleaned from the folds of the face and the nose.


When your French bulldog has allergies, they tend to scratch themselves to the point of sores, leading to infections. Antihistamines are usually the first one to try when dealing with allergies. It makes your French bulldog sleepy, but they can feel more relaxed and therefore reducing the scratching. If you pup doesn’t have a reaction to antihistamines, you will have to visit your vet to have a more accurate diagnosis and treatment.


French Bulldogs are prone to a lot of health problems and one of the most common problems is runny nose. Luckily, there are many ways that you can manage the problem if you act quick enough.

We hope you enjoyed this blog post on runny nose in French Bulldogs. With this knowledge, we know that you can make the most of your dog’s health when they have a runny nose. So what are you waiting for?

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