Do French Bulldogs Have A Good Sense Of Smell?

The French bulldog is a small cute dog. But many don’t know that they have a strong sense of smell. While they might not be known as the best guard dog, they can smell really well. They have a very keen sense of smell. In fact, they are one of the most sensitive smelling dog breeds. But just how good is French bulldogs sense of smell as compared to humans? Can they track scents like bloodhounds? Let’s find out.

french bulldog good sense of smell
french bulldog good sense of smell

Do French bulldogs have good sense of smell?

French Bulldogs have a very refined sense of smell and can register scents that humans can’t detect. Although not as well as other dog breeds. Their brachycephalic (short-nosed) snout makes smell impossible for them to detect, but has the converse effect of preventing them from breathing properly, which is especially dangerous in extreme temperatures. They have 40 receptor more compared to that of humans.

Nevertheless, French bulldogs have an excellent sense of smell. They can smell you coming from another room, even if you’ve been gone for a while. They can also detect their food if they’re kept separated by a few meters or their favorite toy no matter what it is made of. The under mentioned factors will help us better understand his smelling power along with some useful measures one may take to assist their dog when it comes to proper care of their sense of smell.

Comparison of sense of smell of Frenchies and humans

If we make a comparison between French bulldog and humans they have great sense of smell. Their abilities pertain more to their sense of smell and sensitivity to smells than those of the other candid species. It is said that they have at least 10,000 times as many smelling cells in their noses as humans do! These furry canines also use a greater variety of receptors in their noses, allowing them to easily sort through what they know by means of scent even without consciously trying.

Do French bulldogs have good sense of smell than other dogs?

French bulldogs are a brachycephalic breed, meaning they have big and round eyes, a flat nose and an underbite. A dog’s sense of smell is linked to the size of its snout and although they may not be the best when it comes to smelling, Frenchies are no less sweet.

 According to research published by National Geographic, German Shepherds, Bloodhounds and Labrador Retrievers have some of the best smelling abilities in comparison with other dog breeds in the world.

What measures should you take to improve the smelling ability of your French bulldog?

If you have a Frenchie dog or are thinking about getting one, there are some steps you can take to help them smell better.


The best way to train your dog is by exposing him to new environments and objects you would like him to be able to recognize. Dogs can be taught how to fetch a newspaper when this familiar object is placed near the door, and they understand that that thing is what you will throw around in the morning. By getting them acquainted with the names of these objects through repetition. You’ll find that dogs are able to learn at a faster rate than most other domesticated animals.

When it comes to smell, French dogs definitely aren’t lacking. They prefer investigating their world through scent and sniffing out food and treats is something that just about every dog thinks is the most fun thing ever.

 It’s because of why French bulldogs love snuffle mat. That it’s easy to see how much fun your pet will have on one. As he searches for the hidden rewards and gobbles them up without fail, well, in your dog’s mind life doesn’t get any better than that. The snuffle mat will also improve their sniffing ability.

Snuffle mat

Use treats

The smell of treat is a powerfully enticing notion and it can be used to great effect in dog training. It’s a good idea to have a pocketful of treats when you are training your pet. Preferably ones that he likes and that aren’t greasy or sticky so as to avoid leaving telltale stickiness on your hand.

Giving the dog a treat each time he comes over to complete some new trick will help him associate that act with the reward. Once he’s mastered the trick, you should replace it with another even more tempting smell – ideally one that is super tasty.

Avoid Heavy workouts

French bulldogs are short, stout dogs. The average daily workout time for these dogs is between 15 to 30 minutes in duration. A longer workout can lead to breathing issues, so it’s important not to push your pet beyond their capabilities. But staying active is very good for the overall health of a dog like a French bulldog who typically suffers from joint and back problems.

Exercising can help keep them fit and improve the quality of their life. Just remember they may tire more easily than other breeds due to the uniqueness of the shape of their body. So be sure not to overwork them when you begin an exercise routine with them!


Yes, French bulldogs have a really good sense of smell. All dogs have an extremely strong sense of smell. Which is why they are often used to help people who are missing or lost. The French bulldog’s sense of smell is not as good as other dogs but they definitely are better than humans.

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