Can a French bulldog see in the Dark?

The French bulldog has a reputation for having bad eyesight, but we are going to look at how far the French bulldog can see and whether or not it has bad eyesight. It’s a common misconception that French bulldogs have poor eyesight. The truth is they have average-to-good eyesight. In this blog, we’ll look at how far French bulldogs can see, can a French bulldog see in the dark? and how eyesight plays a role in their lives.

Can French bulldog see in the dark

Does the French bulldog Have Good Eye Sight?

Compared to other dog breeds, French bulldogs are considered to have fairly normal vision. They don’t have bad eyesight but they aren’t super great either when compared to humans. Seeing as some dogs have sharper eyesight than humans (usually dogs with a more active lifestyle that needs better sight to hunt), it’s safe to say that Frenchies aren’t the best in the eyesight category, but their average score is worlds better than a lot of breeds out there.

Can French Bulldog See In The Dark?

It is believed that French bulldog don’t have the best vision at night. However, our dogs have a better sense of sight than us because they have pupils that are four times bigger than ours. Due to these larger pupils, they allow four times more light to enter their eyes.

On the other hand, dogs also have retinas that are much different in comparison to human eyes. Dogs possess more rods that are sensitive to light compared to cones that serve to discern shadows. Dogs have another trick up their sleeve – they have a layer of cells at the back of their eyes called the tapetum lucidum which produces better vision in low light settings. This amazing mirror-like layer makes night vision possible. So we can say French bulldog can see in the dark.

Do Frenchie Eye Sight Is Bad When Seeing Color?

Although it’s common knowledge that dogs aren’t “color-blind,” they don’t actually see color the same way we do. For example, they can’t fully interpret reds as we do; rather, they see mostly blues and yellows. This isn’t just a fact about French Bulldogs; all dogs perceive color differently than humans do.

How Far Can A French bulldog See?

French bulldogs can see a little over 20 feet away, and their vision starts to get a bit blurry after about 30 feet – similar to what everyone else sees. However, there are those people who claim that Frenchies can see well than most because they have such incredible hearing and sense of smell.

Some people say that the reason your Frenchie seems to be staring at something is that he hears or smells something from far away. This doesn’t mean they only see 20 feet far though; anything past the 20-foot mark is harder for them to see.

What Are The Problems That Cause Bad Eye Sight In French Bulldogs?

As your Frenchie ages, there are certain eye problems they would suffer from. Some common eye problems are


French bulldogs are quite susceptible to conjunctivitis, which is commonly referred to as “pink eye”. This happens either due to bacterial infections or viral infections or for no reason at all. The best way to prevent this condition from developing is to buy your Frenchie from a reputable breeder and ensure that the parents of the dog are free from any hereditary diseases.

When your Frenchie does develop pink eye, you can treat the condition with antibiotics. While conjunctivitis can’t be prevented entirely, using dog eye drops will help keep your dog’s eyes clean and healthy.

Corneal Ulcer

Corneal ulcers are a common eye ailment seen in French bulldogs, causing severe visual impairment and even subsequent loss of eyesight. These are typically treated quickly with quick-acting medication so that your pet’s vision can be partially or fully restored with time.

Sadly, French Bulldogs can develop corneal ulcers with no real known reason for why the bacteria occur but in almost all cases, after the treatment required for the dog’s eyesight, the condition does clear up rather quickly.

Cherry eye

A common problem reported for the Frenchie breed is the cherry eye, otherwise known as a protruded third eyelid. It is when there is the displacement of the small gland in your dog’s third eyelids – with a red bulge that resembles a cherry showing through.

How to Keep Your French Bulldogs Eyes Clean and Healthy?

  • Dogs have eyes that are a lot like ours. They even produce the same watery and mucousy discharge that we do and it can be normal. Dogs, however, have eyelashes that surround their eyes so this extra fluid can accumulate and build upon them.
  • The buildup will also cause matting and clumps of excess matter around their eyes which makes it harder to keep your dog’s hair in good condition. So dogs should be groomed regularly with some help from a special tool made just for taking care of the fur around their eyes in order to prevent the buildup of debris and keep things looking clean.
  • If you want your dogs to live a long and healthy life, you need to make sure that they are eating the right dog food that has all of the nutrients, vitamins, and minerals they need. The following are some of the best ingredients for your dog’s diet: Blueberries, broccoli, pumpkin, eggs, and carrots are wonderful foods full of great nutrients that keep your pet’s eyes sparkling and can also help to prevent certain diseases.
  • If you notice any problem in your dog’s eyes, whether it is discharge, excess tear, hard lumps and bumps, swelling, or redness etc. It’s best to talk to tour vet about that because these small issues lead to bigger problem if left untreated.


The French bulldog is a breed of dog known for its wrinkly face, and its unique physical characteristics. The breed is known for having a small build, along with muscular limbs, making them a fast and agile breed. French bulldogs have eyesight better than most dog breeds but their eyesight is not as good as humans.

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