Why Is My French Bulldog Peeing So Much?

Some dogs tend to pee inside the house more than others. And to add to the problem of having a dog in the house, your French bulldog keeps peeing much more than usual. This can be a very disturbing problem for you. And it’s important that you do everything you can to stop it. There could be many reasons behind this problem but finding out the right reason can be a challenge. In this blog, we will look at possible reasons of French bulldog peeing so much and also what you can do about it.

Why Is My French Bulldog Peeing So Much?

Dogs are experts at relieving themselves in their vicinity, whether indoors or out. However, if a dog seems like he or she may be urinating more frequently than normal they may have either developed a medical condition that must be treated by a veterinarian or they could simply need to go outside to do what they’re best at! Some of the possible causes for a dog peeing frequently include:


Is your dog urinating a lot? Is your pet still young or is she reaching her golden years? Your pet’s age can have an impact on how often they will need to go to the bathroom. Whether you’ve just brought a young family pet home or you’re raising them in their golden years, first-time dog owners might be alarmed when they see their pup constantly going outside to use the bathroom. On average, healthy dogs need to urinate about once every five to six hours.

While puppies are still young, they tend to urinate quite often. A lot of it is because they don’t have full control over their bladders. However, this tends to get better once a puppy grows up and learns to properly house-train themselves. When there are other health issues involved with urination and age, your vet will be in the best position to advise you on how to help your pet remain healthy throughout the aging process.

Territory marking

Dogs do different things when they pee. They don’t use stickers or magic markers, so it’s common for dogs to mark their territory by peeing on grass and sometimes even on sidewalks. The difference between normal urination and urine marking is that urine marking tends to be a sudden burst of pee which doesn’t last very long, while normal urination leaves an ongoing stream of urine.

It also happens that in the process of pointing out his territory with his pee, a Frenchie will often make deposits outside of the main area he’s attempting to claim. Also keep in mind that because dogs are creatures of habit, they will often return to the same “spot” when they need to relieve themselves again. As such, if the problem continues it’s wise to seek professional help from an animal behaviorist before resorting to other solutions like liquid repellents or furniture covers.

Urinary Incontinence

Urinary incontinence is very common in French bulldogs. In these problems, dogs suffer from usual dribbling to a large amount of urine. However, are ways to prevent the issue from becoming a problem. First of all, keep track of your dog’s water intake.

Also, try to limit long periods without getting up for walks. This can help maintain bladder pressure and prevent leaks. If you notice your dog dribbling urine or has small leaks, be sure not to punish them for this behavior as it might just be a natural process for them. It’s important to know that incontinence does not occur due to any behavioral issue on the dog’s part.

Urinary Tract Infection

Urinary Tract Infections in dogs are an easily treatable and very common problem. UTI affects older female dogs at greater rates than male dogs of any age group. When urine travels through the distressed urinary tract, it becomes colored and cloudy while increasing in volume. In addition to disorientation stemming from uremia, other symptoms that pet parents likely notice include hazy or blood-tinged urine.

As with many serious medical conditions, the episode of hazy urine or blood-stained urine is not the only nor most alarming symptom a pet owner will notice regarding UTI symptoms. What they’re more likely to catch their attention is if their dog continues to whine while peeing as well as seeing them extend their legs all the way out before starting to urinate. The biggest culprit for this symptom is bacteria lodging in your dog’s urethra and should be treated with antibiotics immediately.

Increased Thirst

If a Frenchie spends more time outside in the warmer months of the year, he may need more water. The reason is that dogs don’t sweat as we do – they regulate their body temperature by increased panting and as they do so, they’re using up a lot more of their body’s water stores.

This has a knock-on effect in that if your pet goes outside then comes back indoors – they will still require drinking water so they can continue panting again and help regulate their body temperature. If the temperature inside is normal this leads to an ever-increasing amount of water in the dog’s belly which can cause them to speedily let loose in your house.

If you often stay outside for too long it’s best to keep your French bulldog hydrated by a portable water bottle. The French bulldog Portable Water bottle features innovative design concepts and functionalities to help you take care of your pet’s thirst. It comes equipped with triple filters and a water circulation system, which ensures that you’re always giving your pooch fresh water.


There are many signs of diabetes in dogs that are similar to those in humans. Dogs with diabetes cannot quickly turn sugar into energy, so their bodies start using fat as an alternative energy source. This results in increased thirst, increased urination, excessive hunger, and weight loss. As the disease progresses, however, it becomes harder for dogs to lose weight and they may even develop infections from all the lingering extra sugar in their bodies.


If your French bulldog is peeing excessively and you are wondering why you aren’t alone. Many owners are concerned when their dog starts to pee more than normal. Some wonder if it is related to the fact that they are eating new dog food or dog food that they haven’t eaten before. Others wonder if their dog is sick. The truth is that you can’t always tell why your dog is peeing more than normal, but you can take some steps to make sure they are healthy and comfortable.

One Response

  1. Annette Mckalpain January 13, 2023

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