Why Does My French Bulldog Sleep So Much?

If you are a French bulldog owner you might have noticed that your pup has spent a lot of time sleeping. You might have thought about whether there is something wrong with your pup or if this is a normal behavior. However, one sure thing is that your pup loves to sleep. Here in this blog, we will look into reasons why French bulldog loves to sleep so much what the factors it depends on, and whether it is a matter of concern or not.

Normal Sleep Patterns for French Bulldogs

1. French Bulldogs are Naturally Sleepy Dogs

First of all, it is important to understand that French bulldogs naturally like to sleep more than other dog breeds. On average they sleep 12 to 14 hours a day, senior dogs and puppies sleep even more almost around 18 hours. This sleeping pattern is normal and there is no reason for alarm in it.

The reason for their love for sleep comes down to their energy levels and anatomy. Like other herding or working dog breeds, they don’t have high energy levels instead they tend to sleep and rest more.

2. Short Bursts of Energy

Frenchies mostly have short bursts of energy that are followed by a period of sleep. This is very common in this breed and after an intense play session, these fur balls of energy go to a session of deep sleep. This pattern is very common and it makes them more prone to fatigue and they need more time to recover.

Factors That Influence Sleep in French Bulldogs

There are many factors on which French bulldogs sleep like environment, age, health, and lifestyle. Let’s discuss it in detail.

1. Age

Like humans, age is a factor that plays a role in how much sleep they need. French bulldogs puppies or older dogs love to sleep more. At a young age, puppies have bones, muscles, and an immune system that is developing and puppies need a lot of energy that can only be replenished by sleep. Similarly in old age senior dogs tend to sleep longer due to joint discomfort, fatigue, and decreased activity levels. If you have a senior French bulldog, normally, they sleep throughout the day.

2. Health

The health of a French bulldog plays an important role in the sleeping habits of Frenchie. It’s normal for Frenchie to sleep a lot but an increase or decrease in sleep pattern indicates the health issue. Some common health issues that can play an important role are:

  • French bulldogs are brachycephalic dogs means they have short snouts and flat faces. This makes breathing more difficult for them especially is physical stress. As a result, they need extra sleep to overcome this issue.
  • Frenchies are also prone to weight gain problems which increase their breathing issues and joint problems. overweight dogs sleep more because of discomfort and a decrease in mobility.
  • Hypothyroidism is a condition in which the thyroid gland does not produce enough hormones and it is the reason they sleep excessively.

3. Environment and Routine

French bulldogs are creatures of routine and their sleeping habits are greatly influenced by their daily routine.

  • French bulldogs love to sleep but for this, they need a calming environment to fully relax. If they are living in a disruptive or noisy environment it will interrupt their sleep. Providing them a calm environment in a quiet part of the house will increase their sleeping time.
  • French bulldogs’ sleeping patterns depend a lot on their activity levels. If they aren’t mentally or physically stimulated during the day their sleeping pattern is disturbed. A well-exercised Frenchie will sleep deeply and feel refreshed.

When Should You Be Concerned?

It is normal for them to sleep a lot but there are some cases in which excessive sleep is a sign of a problem. If you notice any signs consult your vet:

1. Sudden Change in Sleep Patterns

If you feel that there is a sudden change in sleeping pattern this is a red flag. The sudden change indicated injury, illness, or stress. For example lethargic dog who is uninterested in playing may be dealing with a health issue.

2. Excessive Snoring and Labored Breathing

French bulldogs snore and it’s normal but if they are snoring a lot and its loud and struggling to sleep then it is a sign of brachycephalic airway syndrome. This condition requires attention from the vet to improve the quality of life.

3. Changes in Appetite or Behavior

A sleeping dog who is not interested in play, food, or sleep must be suffering from underlying anxiety depression, or illness. Behavioral changes along with excessive sleeping are causes of physical or emotional distress.

Tips to Improve Your French Bulldog’s Sleep Quality

If your French bulldog is healthy and sleeps normally and you want to make sure that they stay happy and healthy here are a few things you can do:

  • Provide them with a comfortable bed that is supportive and that improves their quality of sleep. A soft bed like Shark bed can help alleviate joint pain and discomfort, especially in old dogs.
  • Make sure that you stick to their routine like feeding, walks, and playtime. Frenchies love routine and a proper day can help in sleeping well.
  • Feeding your Frenchie a proper diet and maintaining an ideal weight will improve the quality of sleep. If your Frenchie is overweight there are chances that there will be disruption in their sleep.
  • French bulldogs struggle sleeping due to their short snouts keep them in well-ventilated areas so they stay cool during the warmer months.


French bulldogs are sleepy dog and their love for sleep is unmatched. It’s completely normal to spend a good part of the day napping but it is important to be aware of how much sleep is right for them. By understanding the factors that affect their sleep you can make them happy. If you ever feel doubt about their sleeping pattern consult your vet.

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