Why Does French bulldogs Rub Themselves?

French bulldogs love to rub their bodies on the ground, furniture, toys, and anything they can get their paws on. They even have this unique way of turning their heads from side to side as they rub. This rubbing behavior is a mark of a content and happy dog. However, it can often be a little bit stressful for the owner to watch.

Firstly, you have to remove any loose hairs from your clothes and furniture. Secondly, you need to make sure that your French bulldog doesn’t hurt themselves as they roll around. In this blog, we will look at why French Bulldogs love to rub themselves and how you can help them out.

Top Reasons Why Your French bulldog Is Rubbing Himself

It’s vital to speak with your vet if you notice excessive rubbing in one specific area. This could be a sign of infection or an underlying condition. So it’s best to be on the safe side and communicate as much with your dog as possible.

Infected Anal Gland

French Bulldogs can be prone to anal gland infections. Sometimes, the glands are impacted and do not function properly. This irritates your dog and if left untreated, will cause them to scratch at their bottoms. You might notice your dog scooting its bottom around on objects to try and relieve the issue, or they might exhibit signs of difficulty going number 2. But this all goes back to the infection in the anal glands being blocked and causing inflammation.


Sometimes French bulldogs don’t just clean themselves by licking. Sometimes when they scratch their backs it may be out of irritation. This might seem like a minor issue, but if your Frenchie looks uncomfortable or seems to be in pain. Consult your veterinarian as this could be a sign of an underlying medical condition such as allergies or parasites.

Skin Infection

Believe it or not, dogs can get infected just like humans and need medication for it! One of the most common afflictions that occur in French Bulldogs is yeast infections. This is because of their sensitive skin, coupled with them being groomed so frequently.

When their fur gets wet from things like rain, sweat, and saliva, fungal organisms can form and cause an skin infection which will show up as redness and excessive itching. They’ll do anything to create a surface on which they can rub themselves to get some relief from these painful symptoms.

Parasitic infestation

Frenchies have certain habits which might seem odd. As it turns out, your dog is just trying to alleviate some irritation or discomfort. The strains with tapeworms and other parasites are strong possibilities. As they are often found in animal dung that Frenchies might get themselves into. Hookworms may be contracted from larvae burrowing under the skin after coming into contact with contaminated grass or food.


French Bulldogs have a short, single-layer coat that doesn’t provide much protection from pests, which means they require a lot of attention regarding routine pest control treatments. Also, Frenchies are particularly susceptible to mosquito and ant bites because their short coat makes them a tasty morsel for biting insects.

If you see your dog suddenly start rubbing or licking themselves in a familiar pattern daily, they may have started bringing parasites into the house with them such as lice or ticks that have become established on their skin and caused irritation or itchiness.

However, you can treat it in certain ways Fleatos is a reusable, natural lice comb that effectively removes lice from all of your Frenchies body. Fleatos is the most technologically advanced, eco-friendly, reusable natural lice comb available on the market today. The patented technology helps get rid of nasty head lice eggs with little to no effort on your part.


Territory Marking

French bulldogs are also like many other breeds of dogs – they have a natural need to mark their territory by rubbing themselves against various items such as doors, walls, and even furniture. By doing this, they’re effectively marking their designated territory and letting everyone know that the area belongs to them.

This is something that most pets tend to do whether they live alone or with another pet at home. If your French bulldog rubs itself on you, it’s because they want everyone to understand how much they love being around you.


If your dog is suffering from an injury, for example, and you notice them dragging their but as if it is too heavy to carry, this could be something that needs your attention. If it’s already happening then chances are it’s probably going to get worse very fast, just like on any other animal.

The sooner you take care of the problem, the less harm your dog is going to receive or vulnerability he has to an even bigger injury. If there is anything cut up or even any kind of redness around the back area it may be an indication that your dog may be suffering from some form of illness such as a skin infection or internal wound. Make sure that you take it to the vet straight away so that they can diagnose him with all the correct treatment remedies available.

Food Allergy

Another reason why French bulldogs sometimes rub your furniture is that they may have food allergies. It is for this reason that you need to find out about the proteins its body does or does not tolerate and what ingredients it can be allergic to. If your Frenchie is allergic to any food consult your vet immediately and make changes in their food.


French bulldogs are a very lovable and cuddly breed of dog. They also have some habits that can be a little strange to an outside observer, such as when they rub their face and body on the carpet. As the owner of a French bulldog, you might have noticed this behavior, and you might have a friend who is curious about it, too. Well, this blog can help you in finding the reason behind this problem.

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