Why Do French Bulldogs Stink So Much?

Do you have a French bulldog? Do you love your Frenchie? The thing is your dog may stink. You wouldn’t know it to pick him up because he probably smells great, but put him down for a few hours and come back, and oh boy then he smells. In fact, it gets worse the longer you leave him. So why do French bulldogs smell so bad? Simply put, it’s because they don’t bathe themselves or because of the moisture and debris in their skin folds. Here in this blog, we will discuss why do French bulldogs stink so much.

Why does your French bulldog stink so much?

Your French bulldog may stink because of the foods you give him, but he might also have a medical issue. Here are some reasons your French bulldog might be stinky:

Bad breathe

Your French bulldog’s breath can smell bad for a number of reasons.

The first reason is probably the most common: you’re leaving food out for your French bulldog all day, and he’s eating it! The best way to keep your French bulldog’s mouth healthy is to limit the amount of time per day that they spend eating. If you’re leaving food out all day, he’ll be tempted to eat it more often than he should.

The next reason could be that your French bulldog is dehydrated or has plaque buildup on his teeth. Brushing your dog’s teeth regularly can help prevent tooth decay and plaque buildup, which can lead to bad breath and keep their teeth healthy.

Another reason for bad breath in French bulldogs is dental disease. If you have any concerns about the health of your pet’s mouth or teeth, please speak with a veterinarian immediately!

You might notice your French bulldog’s breath smells worse after having surgery on its mouth or teeth. This is because there is still healing going on after surgery, and it takes time for everything to go back to normal.

Poor diet

French bulldogs can have a variety of reasons for smelling bad, but the main cause is that their diet is not balanced. Frenchies that eat too many carbohydrates (or even have a sensitivity to them) may develop an odor, as well as those who are overweight or obese. The reason for this is that carbohydrates produce more gas than other foods, and the gasses can get trapped under the skin, causing it to smell.

French bulldogs with allergies can also develop an odor if they’re itching excessively due to an allergic reaction or infection. This will cause them to rub against things in their environment, which can spread whatever bacteria or fungus they have on their skin into the air around them.

Ear infections

French bulldogs are all about that good time, and they’re never going to let you forget it. You might have noticed that Frenchies are a bit more prone to ear infections than other breeds, and that’s because their ears stand up and they collect more dirt and debris than other dogs.

We’re not saying you need to take on the responsibility of cleaning your dog’s ears (that’s what groomers are for), but we do recommend checking in on your French bulldog’s ears every few days, especially if they seem irritated or red. If you notice any swelling or discharge coming from the ear canal, call your vet right away!

As for their stinky reputation, this one is a bit more difficult to get a handle on. It all depends on the individual dog—some Frenchies just don’t smell as bad as others, but it’s important to remember that all dogs need a bath every once in a while, regardless of breed!

Paw issues

French bulldogs have smelly paws because their feet are constantly in contact with dirt and other substances that can make their paws smell. If you’re wondering why your French bulldog’s paws smell, it’s probably because there is dirt or some other substance trapped in between their toes.

The best way to prevent this from happening is to keep your puppy’s paws clean. You should wash your dog’s paws after each walk and dry them well before letting them back into the house. This may seem like a lot of work, but it will pay off in the end when your dog isn’t leaving behind unpleasant odors throughout the house!

You can keep your French bulldog paw clean with French bulldog paw cleaner. The silicone bristle inside the cup rubs off the dirt and debris from the paws.

You can add water and sanitizer inside the cup which can help in removing the dirt more easily.  

Dirty tail pockets

A dirty tail pocket can certainly make your French bulldog smell, but it’s not the only thing that could be causing the odor. If your dog’s tail smells bad, it could be due to other things like anal gland problems or a yeast infection.

The first step in solving a bad-smelling tail is to clean it out. You can do this by putting some hydrogen peroxide on a cotton ball and swabbing around inside his tail for about five minutes. This will get rid of any dirt and bacteria that may be causing the odor. If you find something liquidy, like pus or blood, make sure to call your vet!

You can also try cleaning out his anal glands on a regular basis. This can help prevent them from getting clogged up with debris or developing an infection. You’ll want to do this while he’s standing on all four legs and facing away from you so he doesn’t accidentally bite your hand while you’re cleaning him out—it can hurt!

If these steps don’t seem to help with his smell, take him in to see the vet because there may be another underlying cause for his stinky tail!


It’s pretty clear that there’s a lot to learn about French bulldog odor. But despite this, it seems that many people don’t really have any idea why their Frenchie smells so much or what can be done about it. Hopefully, this article will provide some answers. After you read through it, if you still have questions or are looking for some new tips for keeping your dog smelling fresh, consult your vet.

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