How To Take Care Of Your Frenchie Dental Health?

French bulldogs are one of the most popular dog breeds in the world and for good reason. They are loving, playful, and generally healthy dogs. However, like all dogs, French bulldogs require regular dental care. Their teeth need to be cleaned regularly and you should take them to the vet for inspection after every six months. In this blog post, we will explore the basics of Frenchie dental health and give you some tips on how to take care of your dog’s teeth. Keep reading to learn more!

Why does Frenchie Need Dental Care?

French Bulldogs are one of the most popular dog breeds in the world and for good reason! These dogs are easy-going and love people, making them a great choice for those who want a friendly pet. However, like all dogs, French Bulldogs need proper training to properly behave. If your Frenchie is well trained from an early age he will behave well while teeth cleaning.

Dental hygiene is important for both you and your fur baby teeth. Not only will regular cleaning of your dog’s teeth help keep their gums and teeth healthy, but it will also help to remove bacteria and plaque from their teeth. This will help to prevent tooth decay and other dental problems.

How to Clean Your French bulldog Teeth?

Your French bulldog has a jaw that is more than capable of grinding down just about anything. Everything from bones to vegetables and everything in between whatever he can chew on, he chews on. His teeth are also perfect for grinding up kibble, quite a lot.

A French bulldog’s teeth get harder as they age, but that doesn’t stop him from trying to grind down whatever he can. A healthy French bulldog’s teeth should be nice and white. They should also be free of buildup and tartar. However, if you have a French bulldog that has grown old or has bad dental hygiene, he is going to have teeth that look very bad in appearance.

There are basically two ways to clean Frenchie’s teeth one is by toothbrush and the other by using chew toys.

Tips To Clean Your Frenchie Teeth

If you want to clean your French bulldog’s teeth here are some important tips

Get the Right Tools

If you have a French bulldog, it’s important to make sure you buy a toothbrush and toothpaste that are specifically designed for them. Dogs have different teeth needs than humans, which means that the toothbrush and toothpaste you buy will be more effective and less damaging. If you select human toothpaste and toothbrush for them it will be too big and the chemicals are too harsh for them. Always select the right teeth cleaning tool for your Frenchie.

Select the Right Time

Most dog breeds can sit still when you are trying to brush their teeth but French bulldogs are not like that they are full of energy and will not sit easily. If you want that your Frenchie should sit normally it’s better to feed them well and exercise them. A tired dog will sit for a long time than a normal dog.

Clean Their Teeth

Get a toothbrush and apply a small amount of toothpaste to it. French bulldogs are small so don’t use a lot of toothpaste. Start brushing by moving the toothbrush in a circular motion and don’t do it too fast. Try to reach the molars because they are often overlooked and need the most care.

Reward them

It is important to give your Frenchie regular rewards for good behavior. This will not only make your dog happy, but it will also encourage good behavior in the future. So at the end of every teeth cleaning session reward your Frenchie with his favorite treats.

Chew Toy for Cleaning Your Dog Teeth

Chew toys are a great way to help your Frenchie clean their teeth. By providing them with a toy that they can chew on, they can remove plaque and other dental debris from their teeth. This is a great way to reduce the amount of dental work your pup needs done and keep their teeth clean and healthy. There is even a toothbrush that also acts as a toy. The world’s most effective Frenchie tooth brush has bristle on top and when your Frenchie chews on it, plaque can be easily removed.

World’s most effective Frenchie tooth brush

Does Frenchie Need Regular Dental Exams?

Dental exams are an important part of keeping your Frenchie good dental health and preventing dental disease. However, dental exams are not always easy to schedule. Most people don’t think about teeth when it comes to their furry friends, but they should. Frenchies need good dental care just like humans, and dental exams are an important part of that care.

As your French bulldogs get older, they may start to experience more dental issues. This is because as they age, the gum line recedes, which can lead to more frequent dental problems. If your Frenchie has suffered from dental issues in the past it’s important to tell your vet about that and schedule a dental exam. If your Frenchie has healthy teeth then a dental exam once or twice a year is efficient but if your Frenchie has a dental issue you need to take them for a checkup on regular basis.


If you’re concerned about your French bulldog’s dental hygiene, you’ll be happy to know that there are plenty of things that you can do to make sure their teeth and mouth are healthy. You can brush their teeth, give them chew toys and consult your vet about Frenchie dental health.

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