How to Make Your French bulldog Ear Stand Up?

The French bulldog is a perfect example of why appearances are not always as they seem. These adorable little dogs are known for their adorable faces, but one thing a lot of people don’t know is that they’re not born with their signature erect ears! It takes them anywhere from 8 to 15 weeks to get their ears to stand. If you don’t want to wait to give your dog the cutest ears around, don’t worry – you can read this article. Here in this blog, you will learn how to make your French bulldog ear stand up.

french bulldog ear stand up

Why do French Bulldogs Born With their Ears Down?

Most people think that the reason for the French bulldog’s ears standing up is due to the high levels of ear muscles. But that’s not the case. French bulldogs are born with floppy ears, but over time, as the dog matures, its ears begin to stand up and eventually will become erect. It is a common misconception that French bulldogs’ floppy ears are caused by improper breed standards, but the actual reason is the change in the level of calcium in the body of your dog.

While it may be alarming to see your dog’s ears change from dangling to upright, or vice versa, it’s nothing to be concerned about! The reason for this is that the cartilage and muscles that hold their ears up or down aren’t fully developed yet. It’s important to know that the appearance of a dog’s ears does not affect their health in any way. This is why you shouldn’t get too worked up over these changes!

Another thing is that you want to be sure that you’re buying a purebred dog so that you don’t have to worry about their ears. A purebred will have the correct shape and size. You shouldn’t be paying a higher price either because it’s not the case. You shouldn’t be afraid of getting a mixed-breed dog. Not only do they make great pets, but they can have really interesting appearances!

When Do French Bulldog Ears Go Up?

Many French bulldog puppies are taken from their mother at 8 weeks old. Whether you are a breeder or someone who just wants a new companion, it’s important to pay attention to your puppy’s needs. Puppies at this age have gone through the teething process, and have started to grow fur. Their ears should also look somewhat like their adult form; however, it can take up to another 3 months for them to fully stand up!

When a puppy is born, they have soft and long ears. As they mature their ears will stand up. This is due to their body using the calcium in their bodies to develop their bones during puppyhood. Once the puppy is older their calcium is evenly distributed to their whole body and their ears become perky!

What Is The Exact Age When French Bulldog Ear Stand Up?

Many dog owners are under the impression that their dog’s ears should stand up by a certain point in their growth. This is not necessarily true, however, as each pup develops at their rate. It is not uncommon for a French bulldog ear not to stand at all until the age of 10 weeks. As the saying goes, “you can’t rush the puppy”.

Most puppies between the ages of 5-10 weeks will begin to show signs of ear-standing. From there on out, it can take anywhere from 1 week to 6 months for their ears to be in full erect mode. To help your puppy develop their ears, you can rub their ears gently and massage them to get them to strengthen. Be sure to do this regularly so that their ears can develop the right muscles!

How To Make Your French Bulldog Ear Stand up?

Puppy food should be part of a balanced diet for your French bulldog. These dogs should be fed three times a day as a puppy. Owners should keep treats to a minimum instead of feeding table scraps. Puppies can then be fed twice a day when they turn one to two years old. To make feeding time easier, puppies can be trained to come to their owners. Food can then be given when the puppy is calm.

If you are a French bulldog owner, you must be aware of the fact that they are prone to health problems. Their ears, in particular, are fragile and they can stand up if you take extra care of them. For your information, the French bulldog can eat almost anything that you eat, provided it is not spicy. They can eat chicken and fish. When you feed your proper diet to your French bulldog It will help them for the erect years. Similarly, a diet that is rich in calcium also helps your French bulldogs for erect ears. Other things you can do are

Ear taping

Taping is a much easier process than it sounds. The breeder will use a thin piece of tape that is about 1.5 inches wide. To start, the breeder will wrap the tape around the cap and down the side of the cap. You will want the tape to cover the top of the cap and part of the side of the cap. As the ear stands up use a part of the tape and attach it to the base of the ear. Then, simply take the tape off and cut it with a pair of scissors. It isn’t necessary to separate the tape and it shouldn’t cause any discomfort to the guppy. The tape should be left on for 3 to 5 days, depending on how long it takes.

Calcium injection

If your dog is going to have floppy ears for the rest of their life, you can give them calcium injections. Your vet will have the best advice on how often to inject your pup to prevent this from happening. It’s best to consult with a veterinarian before giving your dog injections of any kind!


A lot of people are surprised when they see a French bulldog because they are so small and cute. Since they are small, they have small ears. Sometimes, the ears may not stand up. This is most likely due to genetics and maybe because the breed is so popular that breeders are breeding just for the cute look. However, there are a few things you can do to see if you can get your French bulldog’s ear to stand up.

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