How Fast Can a French Bulldog Run?

Have you tried to know how fast your French bulldog can run? They are not the fastest out this is because of their muscular frame. However, these little dogs are famous for their affectionate and playful behavior and they are also popular household companions. It is still interesting to know the running speed of these dogs because you often won’t find them running around fast. A lot more could be discussed about their physical characteristics, health, and instincts. Read this blog to know how fast these dogs run.

How fast can a French bulldog run?

Understanding the French Bulldog’s Physical Characteristics

It is important to understand the physical structure of the French bulldogs. French bulldogs are small dogs weighing between 16 to 28 pounds. They have a strong muscular build and despite their tough appearance they have stocky bodies and short legs that affect their ability to run.

Another feature that affects the running ability of French bulldogs is their brachycephalic structure. No doubt this feature gives them their unique squished face appearance but there are certain limitations, especially with their breathing efficiency. Frenchies also suffer from difficulty in regulating their body temperature especially when they are doing activities like running.

How Fast Can a French Bulldog Run?

Basically, a healthy French bulldog can run at a speed of 14 to 17 miles per hour. Some people feel surprised by this, considering the small body and breathing challenges associated with this breed. However, when you motivate them either with a treat, play or a toy that they love chasing Frenchies can show a burst of speed that is when they run fast.  

Keep in mind that they can run at that speed but they are not built for hard training. They can do short sprints more easily rather than run for long distances. Their compact body structure and small legs will make them tire quickly. In hot weather, they suffer from this problem a lot.

Factors Affecting Running Speed

There are different factors that affect the running speed and overall performance of a French bulldog.


Like other dogs, the health of French bulldogs will affect their ability to run. A fit, well-fed, and healthy French bulldog will run easily and faster as compared to a dog that is overweight and suffering from different health issues.


If your French bulldog is young he will have more energy and will run faster as compared to an older dog. Young dogs and puppies are considered little furballs of energy.


French bulldogs are not feasible for extreme weather conditions. In hot summer months, they are prone to overheating quickly, this is because of their brachycephalic nature which does not allow them to run fast for long periods. Frenchies will be more productive and run faster in cool weather.


Training and exercise are very important for French bulldogs as they will build their speed and stamina. Regular training will build their stamina and improve their cardiovascular health. You can also use toys for training like the Interactive Frenchie soccer ball toy. This soccer toy is an excellent way to involve your pup in physical activities and build their stamina. The ball is inflatable and designed in such a way that your Frenchie can play different games with it.

The ball is designed by keeping in mind the brachycephalic nature of your French bulldog so it allows low impact exercise. The ball surface is also very easy to grip making it easier for your French bulldog to play. If you are looking to indulge your pup in hours of entertainment then this ball is for you.


If your Frenchie is motivated for something he will run fast. A Frenchie running toward a toy or treat will gain higher speed as compared to a regular sprint in the park.

Comparing French Bulldogs Speed to Other Breeds

It is important to compare your Frenchie speed with other dog breeds to gain a wider perspective. For example, the fastest dog breed greyhound can easily get a speed of 45 mph. This is very fast as compared to a French bulldog. Even dogs like Border Collies and Beagles can easily run at a speed of 20 to 30 mph and can outperform the Frenchies in speed easily.

However, comparing French bulldogs with such dog breeds is not fair, this is because they have different physical structures and built for different purposes. The basic purpose of breeding Greyhounds is hunting and racing. On the other hand, French bulldogs are more like companion dogs. They were not bred for endurance and speed instead people want them as a companion.

Tips to Keep French bulldogs healthy

French bulldog owners need to understand the limitations of their dogs. Here are some practical tips that will help your Frenchie stay happy and healthy even after the physical activities.

  • You should know about the limitations of French bulldogs. Do not indulge them in long and exhausting runs; instead, take them out for small playful sessions. Keep an eye on them for the signs of overheating or fatigue.
  • Make sure that your pup has always access to fresh and clean water, especially on hot summer days during physical activities. Dehydration will severely affect the health of your dog.
  • Always choose the correct time to exercise your pup. The cooler part of the day is the best time, most in the early morning and late evening, so your pup won’t suffer from the heat of the day.
  • When you are taking your pup out for physical activities always use a collar instead of a harness, this will prevent any strain on the neck or throat.
  • Take your pup regularly for vet checkups so if there is any underlying health issue it will be identified as early as possible.


French bulldogs are not one of the fastest dogs in the world, but they have such a spirited energy and unique charm that it makes them great companions. If you understand their physical limitations and provide them with activities that suit their body they will live a happy and healthy life for a long time. While their top speed is not that much the joy that they bring to the owner’s lives is immeasurable. So enjoy your Frenchie little sprints and the special bond you share with them.

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