French Bulldog Wants to Sleep in Your Bed, Why Say No?

If you are a French bulldog lover, you might have experienced that your dog wants to sleep in your bed. Yes, some of the dogs will not leave your bed and make their way to your bed. The reason that your dog wants to sleep in your bed is not because of your warm temperature. They want to sleep in your bed because certain elements in the bed are comfortable for them.

French Bulldog wants to sleep on your bed because he feel safe and comfortable. However, it is not good to let your Frenchie sleep with you. Here in this blog, we will discuss the reasons why you should not let your Frenchie sleep with you.

French bulldog sleeping

French Bulldogs Snore a Lot

Famous for its cute looks, the French bulldog is just as famous for its snoring. When in full flow, the sound can get so loud it’s comparable to dishwashers or normal conversation! The highest snore recorded was an incredible 63 dB which is louder than most of us will ever hear. So if your French bulldog wants to sleep in your bed and snore also then it may be little challenging.

They Have the Stingiest Fart

Nobody wants to sleep with a noisy person. There is no such thing as sound sleep when you are next to someone who gets it off with sounds of snoring or rumbling tummy. And then you have those serial farts that sometimes can lead the entire room in the grouse way. Especially after a huge meal, it’s hard to resist, but if you happen to own an adorable French bulldog it’ll be even harder.

That cute little furball snores like a monster and sometimes makes gargling sounds every few seconds there is nothing more annoying than that. And as if that wasn’t enough, when your French bulldog wants to sleep in your bed he will inevitably fart now and then it’s not good at all.

They Need Space

Despite being fairly small dogs, French bulldogs tend to take up a lot of space. If your bed is usually for one person and you wish to include a Frenchie in the mix, you’ll want to make sure that your pet can get along with that arrangement, or chances are your mattress will see an early death.

They tend to keep their sleeping preferences consistent throughout any given night, so you can always expect them to sleep on the bed with all four paws sprawled wide open.

They Are Not Hypoallergenic

While French bulldogs may be shorthaired, they shed a lot. This makes it hard for people who are allergic to pets to even think about having one in their homes. Just because you may be an allergy sufferer does not mean you should deny yourself owning a Frenchie.

We have some tips on how to take care of their sheddings such as brushing them at least once a week and filling their grooming with plenty of lathers and conditioners or water-soluble sprays depending on the coat type.

When brushing your dog coat use combify Frenchie comb. It reduces the shedding up to 95 % and the button releases hair with ease. This comb is very easy to use and recommended by vets and professional groomers.

They Don’t Respect Your Privacy

For those of you who are hoping to maintain complete privacy in your home with a French bulldog, we have some bad news. This pup is a companion dog and needs attention from his human family members nearly every moment of the day.

We know what you’re going through because we’ve got a Frenchie of our own named Sasha. One thing that helps is making sure Sasha gets some exercise during the daytime so she’s tired out before laying down on the dog bed next to ours at night. We don’t let her jump back into our bed unless it’s time for one more cuddle. But if she found us awake in the middle of the night, she always runs for a cuddle.

They Are Like a Heater

French Bulldogs, who are also referred to as Frenchies, can keep you too warm in the winter and might even cause you to sweat during your sleep. However, during the summer these guys are little furnaces with an incredibly high body temperature. In other words: they’re hot and if they are in your bed you will not be able to get a good night’s sleep.

They Will Disturb Your Sleep Pattern

French bulldogs are a lot like us humans when it comes to how we sleep. Our French bulldog may wake up at night because he’s thirsty for water or uncomfortable in the bed. When he wakes up, he tries to make himself comfortable and scoots around until he finds the right spot.

They need usually something warm where you’re sleeping because your body heat feels nice and relaxing compared to the cooler room temperature. Dogs are opportunists when it comes to getting what they need. These things are disturbing for most humans because it disturbs their sleeping routine.

They May Suffer From Anxiety

You need to be careful if your Frenchie sleeps in your bed at night it could cause some unwanted behavior problems later on. If it sleeps inside your bed every evening it will get used to doing so and might not enjoy sleeping alone. If there isn’t someone else around this dog may become distressed or even very anxious around bedtime.

Can A French bulldog Sleep Alone?

Unlike other breeds, when you have brought up a French Bulldog from a young age there shouldn’t be any problems with them being left to sleep on their own. It is best to train them the right way to sleep in their own bed so that they are comfortable and happy.


French bulldogs love to sleep in their owners’ beds, but dog owners need to be careful about letting their pets sleep in the bedroom. They have different sleep habits than humans. They tend to sleep more than humans, and they tend to sleep differently, too.

Dogs often sleep in a pattern of short bursts of activity, followed by longer periods of rest. They often sleep in “watchdog” mode, and they sometimes talk in their sleep. All of these things can be disruptive to a human’s sleep. If you let your Frenchie sleep in your bed, you may find yourself waking up more frequently than you normally would. This can be extremely disruptive to your sleep.

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