French bulldog Pregnancy Care Guide

Pregnancy is a beautiful time in the life of a female. She will begin showing her pregnancy symptoms and you will need to pay attention to her needs and help her through this beautiful time. A French bulldog pregnancy is no different. Your pet might show similar symptoms to a human. It is your responsibility to ensure that she is healthy and safe throughout the pregnancy itself. Here in this blog, we will discuss the French bulldog pregnancy care.

Pregnancy in French Bulldogs

When planning to get a Frenchie pregnant, many different steps need to be considered. Appreciating each step of the process can help ensure all possible complications have been taken care of in advance. Some steps of this process generally involve the use of artificial insemination. When opting for artificial insemination (or AI), some factors must be meticulously managed to ensure compatibility during the procedure.

Signs of Pregnancy in French Bulldogs

You noticed that your Frenchie is less energetic and gaining some weight, but it may not be due to any specific diseases or problems. It’s possible that she’s pregnant. Other signs you will find are

  • Decrease in appetite
  • Decrease in activity
  • Increase in size of nipples
  • Change in behavior
  • Looking for a comfortable place to rest
  • Increase in belly size

Pregnant French bulldog care

Taking care of a pregnant four-legged lady is hard work. The first few weeks of pregnancy can be a real challenge as the weight of your friend’s belly grows steadily. Make sure you’re taking the time to provide adequate help so that she doesn’t bulge at the seams too much. Remember, even though your Frenchie will become overweight, it isn’t something she should have to deal with during this stage of her life.

You may be concerned about proper nutrition and the impact that it will have on your Frenchie’s body condition. While many factors can affect pregnancy, keeping your pup healthy and giving her nutritious food is one thing you need to know.

Monitoring your dog’s health is important throughout pregnancy because each stage differs from the last. There are things you should be aware of like muscle tone and bodily changes that can occur during pregnancy as opposed to what happens when they’re not pregnant.

French bulldog pregnancy care is different in every week of pregnancy. Here is the guide for different stages of pregnancy

Care from 1st to 6th Week

In the early stages of being pregnant, if your Frenchie is experiencing any physiological changes or you notice her appetite to be slowing down, then ask yourself if you’re feeding her enough to complete and sustain regular energy. Remember that dogs go into pregnancy with low-calorie diets and expend a lot of energy during this time.

Ask yourself, are you increasing all of her nutrients allowing for increased use? If so, then it’s likely that all is well and she may just need the extra rest. We understand that these changes aren’t always so enjoyable for owners to see. But remember a Frenchie in pup means an extremely healthy Frenchie for years to come!

Care from 6th to 9th week

The pregnant Frenchie has a lot of work on her hands. Her puppies are growing at a rapid rate and they’re taking up a lot more space in her stomach. As the food that she eats travels through her system, the volume of food is decreasing because there’s less to go around with all those extra pouches that are getting heavier each day.

This means you should be giving your dog lots of protein to help keep things moving quickly. You’ll also want to let your vet know about the pups so she can give you advice about what kinds of meats might appeal most to your little canine. If you know how many puppies there will be, it will be much easier for your pet to bulk up.

What Kind Of Diet Is Best for Pregnant French bulldog?

It might sound weird, but you should switch your dog’s diet to that of a puppy. She’ll get more energy, better health, and plenty of quality food. Pregnant dogs, particularly French bulldogs, need more nutrients than adult dogs because their growing babies will draw on those resources before birth.

You need to find best food for French bulldogs. Add the puppy food to her diet gradually by the ratio of 10%. As soon as your baby is born, put her back on adult dog food to cut down the risks associated with overfeeding.

It’s important to remember that small dogs have smaller stomachs than larger breeds so you will need to portion out their food intake throughout the day. Do this rather than giving your pet two large meals in one sitting. Your Frenchie may also be more susceptible to heat stroke while pregnant during the summer months so make sure she always has at least one or two water bowls full of fresh water available at all times.

If you are feeding this small breed dog kibble then it’s highly recommended to make sure that they stay hydrated throughout the day. As they don’t typically drink as much water compared to larger breeds like Labs for example because of their size.

Similar to people, French bulldogs can also get overheated or overworked during the summer months and it’s important to take special precautions to ensure that your Frenchie does not overdo themselves. If you’re on a long walk with them in warmer weather, for example, investing in cooling vest can be an easy solution to help keep them from getting too hot. These particular vests are made from a thin mesh fabric that keeps the dog cool by cutting down on the amount of body heat they lose while walking which means they stay cooler longer!


A pregnant French bulldog requires the same amount of care as humans. We hope that this blog post has helped you learn more about how to take care of a pregnant French bulldog and that you’re able to enjoy your pregnancy as much as possible.

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