French bulldog Is Coughing And Gagging

When your French bulldog is coughing and gagging it can be frightening for you and the bulldog. Coughing is a symptom of many different health problems in dogs. Because it’s a symptom, not an illness, your dog’s symptoms won’t necessarily tell you what’s causing them. The best way to deal with dog coughing is to figure out why it’s happening in order to determine the best action to take.

Why my French bulldog is coughing?

Your French bulldog may be coughing because of a respiratory infection. Respiratory infections are common in dogs and can be caused by viruses, bacteria, and even fungi. If your dog is coughing, it’s important to get him to see a veterinarian as soon as possible. If your dog has been coughing for more than three days, it’s best to have him seen by a vet.

What is the difference between coughing and gagging?

Coughing and gagging are two different things, but they can both be a sign that something’s going on with your French bulldog body. Coughing is a reflex that helps get rid of the irritant that’s causing the cough. It’s usually a dry cough, and it can be triggered by colds or other respiratory infections. In some cases, coughing can also be caused by allergies or asthma.

Gagging is an involuntary reflex to spit out any object when coughing like mucus or phlegm. It’s also a reaction to extreme pain or fear, so if your pup is in pain or afraid of something he might gag as well.

Common causes of coughing in French bulldogs

If your French bulldog is coughing there are many causes of it:

Environmental allergen

A French bulldog that is coughing due to environmental allergens is not uncommon. The most common allergens are those from grass and weeds, but dust, mold, and pollen can also trigger an allergic reaction.

If your dog is coughing as a result of an allergic reaction, you will want to get them tested by a veterinarian to determine what the allergy is. Once you have this information, it will be easier for you and your vet to treat the problem.

Foreign object

If your French bulldog is coughing and not barking, it may have a foreign object in its throat. If you think your dog has something stuck in their throat, call the vet immediately. You can also try to remove it yourself if you’re comfortable doing so.

The best way to remove a foreign object from your dog’s throat is by using a pair of curved tweezers or forceps. You’ll want to use something that will reach into their mouth and grab hold of whatever is lodged in there. Then pull it out slowly but firmly you don’t want to hurt your furry friend!


Pneumonia is an infection in the lungs that makes it difficult for your dog to breathe. It’s caused by bacteria, viruses, or other germs that enter your dog’s body through his nose or mouth. Your dog will usually develop a fever, runny nose and be sick for several days before showing signs of pneumonia, such as coughing and sneezing.

You’ll know it’s time to take your dog to the vet when they have trouble breathing or difficulty swallowing food or water. If you notice these symptoms, don’t wait they could be an indication that something more serious is going on! If your dog has been diagnosed with pneumonia, there are some things you can do at home to make them more comfortable until they’re able to get back on their feet again.

Tracheal collapse

French bulldog coughing due to tracheal collapse is a common problem in dogs. The trachea is the tube that carries air from your dog’s mouth to her lungs, and it’s also part of her body where she coughs and clears her throat.

When the trachea collapses, it means that the walls of this tube have become weakened and can’t support themselves anymore. This causes them to flatten out, making it harder for air to pass through them and into your dog’s lungs.

Tracheal collapse can be caused by a number of things: old age, heart disease, or even trauma (like being hit by a car). It can also be hereditary.

Canine Influenza

If your French bulldog is coughing and has a runny nose, it could be for a number of reasons. The most common cause would be canine influenza (CIV), which is highly contagious and can affect dogs of any age or breed.

CIV is a respiratory disease caused by an influenza A virus. It spreads from dog to dog through direct contact with nasal or oral secretions, such as barking or sneezing. CIV can also be spread through indirect contact with contaminated objects like food bowls or water dishes.

What to do if my French bulldog is coughing?

If your French bulldog is coughing, you should take them to the vet. In most cases, coughing is nothing to worry about it’s just a sign that your French bulldog’s body is trying to get rid of something that it finds harmful. But if your dog has been coughing for more than two weeks, then it’s time to see a vet.

When you bring your pooch in for an appointment, make sure that you ask if they’ve had any trouble breathing. If they have, they may need antibiotics or other medications to help them recover.

If your French bulldog has been vomiting or having trouble breathing, then he might have an infection in his lungs or stomach lining. In these cases, it may be necessary for them to stay at the vet’s office overnight. So that they can receive an IV treatment with antibiotics and pain relievers (if needed).

If you’re worried about what could be causing your pooch’s coughs or other symptoms, don’t hesitate to discuss it with your vet.


If you are a French bulldog owner, it is essential that you learn the sign of your pet’s coughing. The ability to recognize your dog’s coughing patterns will help you determine if he has a potential life-threatening illness. If you take the time to monitor your pet’s coughing habits and confirm your suspicions, then you can take the necessary steps to see a vet before it’s too late.

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