Can French bulldog Eat Dairy Products?

French bulldogs are omnivorous and they consume a wide variety of food. Some Frenchies are lactose intolerant and some are allergic to cheese and butter. They experience unpleasant reactions like wheezing, hives, and even vomiting. Frenchies also have different digestive systems. So can French bulldog eat dairy products? We will discuss that.

Can French bulldog Eat Dairy Products
Can French bulldog Eat Dairy Products

Can French bulldog Eat Dairy Products?


Can French bulldog eat dairy products like milk. Yes they can they are like their humans as well when it comes to coming across some digestive issues, especially if they have lactose intolerance. This means that their system can’t digest lactose or milk and it leads to unpleasant symptoms such as vomiting, cramps, and diarrhea. If you feed your Frenchie with some milk it can trigger these unpleasant effects too.

So how do you know if your French bulldog has lactose intolerance? The best thing is to test by giving a small dose of milk to your dog and seeing if it responds in any negative way at all to the product with signs of gas, bloating, vomiting, stomach cramps, and diarrhea. If the dog doesn’t exhibit these signs then milk can be given as an optional treat but only occasionally.


Your French bulldog can eat yogurt and some dogs even like it, but your Frenchie will have to be able to handle lactose well. Yogurt is a good source of calcium, protein, and probiotics, but it can also be high in fat. That doesn’t mean if you have a fat French bulldog he can’t still enjoy it again as long as your dog can handle lactose.

Plain yogurt is not harmful to dogs because it’s unsweetened. French bulldogs with hay fever might benefit from yogurt because of the probiotics. But too much of it or high-fat yogurt can cause gastric upset even in dogs that are not lactose intolerant or allergic to dairy.

So try not to give them too much all at once and keep an eye on their weight over time. Too much sugar in any form is bad for dogs just as it is for humans and sweet yogurt has one of these two effects. First, it can cause tooth decay; second, they may be inclined to eat more which could result in weight gain if there are too many empty calories being consumed each day.


While butter is intended for consumption, but not by French bulldogs, it may seem harmless to include it in your Frenchie diet since they love an occasional pat of butter in their food. But be warned that butter might not be safe for your pooch if he gulps down a bit of it accidentally.

This situation isn’t ideal because too much fat on the inside can lead to various digestive issues, even if your French bulldog isn’t lactose intolerant. If this happens, there may be some uncomfortable whining and gas and they may even produce diarrhea but these symptoms should subside after some time. If however, things don’t get better within a couple of days, you’ll want to keep a close eye on your pup – perhaps consider taking them to the vet as well just so they stay safe.

Whipped cream

It is common knowledge at this point that French bulldogs are not able to digest lactose, which is the sugar commonly found in whipped cream. Though French bulldogs can eat a small amount of whipped cream without any consequences, giving them large amounts of this type of food can lead to bloating and diarrhea.

It can also result in weight gain if you feed your Frenchie whipped cream regularly. All things considered, you will probably want to be very careful about how much of this food you give your Frenchie. Similarly, how often to feed because too much of it could lead to health problems down the road.


Drinking kefir with your French bulldog is a great idea because it contains similar probiotics to yogurt and probiotics help to strengthen the immune system. The benefits of kefir go far beyond helping your pet. In fact, they are numerous benefits and include things like supporting immune function. That’s why you might have heard people say that consuming it ‘strengthens their weak hands’, ‘helps their pelvic bones relax’, or has allowed them to sleep on their tummy again too.

For your French bulldog’s health, there are many considerations regarding its nutrition. When you introduce new items in its diet, it is always best to discuss this with a veterinarian. They might personally know your pet, but they are also well familiar with different kinds of food and the risks associated with them.


Cheese is not generally bad for French bulldogs unless it’s moldy and it probably wouldn’t be harmful. French bulldogs can also train with cheese, and they’re a good way to give your dog medicine. However, don’t feed too much cheese to Frenchies since high-fat content in dairy products can lead to weight gain and pancreatitis. If you want to give your pet some cheese, go for those that have lower lactose content and lower fat.

Don’t allow your dog any gourmet cheeses or cheeses with added ingredients like herbs or other flavors. Onions, garlic, and chives are not safe either due to their high concentration of sulphuric compounds which could interfere with thiamine absorption and/or damage the red blood cells.

Ice cream

Ice cream is good for dessert. In case you’d like to treat your French bulldog to some this summer, we find it important to take note of a few things regarding the intake of the frozen treats. The first reason concerns how your furry friends are not used to such high sugar content and should be approached with caution. Second, your Frenchie must not be lactose intolerant.


It depends on the French bulldog. Most Frenchies are lactose intolerant and cannot digest dairy, however, a few of them can digest lactose. If your Frenchie reacts to dairy, avoid giving them such products. The lactose in dairy products may cause stomach upset, diarrhea, or other digestive issues. It can also lead to weight gain.

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